Applying to Nightingale is easy.
皇冠体育app中学为学生提供了茁壮成长的机会, independent voices. 学生沉浸在一个广泛的基础文科课程, are exposed to a variety of STEAM experiences, 并在课堂内外担任领导角色. 他们在一个包容的环境中受到挑战,这种环境教导他们为自己和他人辩护, as well as to question the status quo.
Middle School Application Dates
Submit Application
For Prospective Families
After you have clicked on Apply Now, 选择蓝色的Create Account链接创建用户名和密码.
For Current Nightingale Families
Click on the Apply Now button. 在提示时输入皇冠体育app网站的用户名和密码.
Schedule Schoolhouse Tour and Family Interview
To apply to Classes V-VIII for your daughter, 你需要安排两个预约:家庭面试和学校参观. We have created two tracks for you to choose from:
Track 1 (Hybrid Option): In-person family Schoolhouse tour; virtual family interview
After you submit your application, 您可以访问预约日历,安排您的家人在学生导游的陪同下亲自皇冠体育app的时间.
您将与我们的招生团队成员进行第二次虚拟家庭面试. 把虚拟面试安排在参观完校舍之后可能会对你有帮助, but it is not required.
Track 2 (Fully In-Person Option): In-person family Schoolhouse tour; in-person family interview
After you submit your application, 您可以访问预约日历,安排您与学生导游一起皇冠体育app的时间, 然后由我们招生团队的一名成员亲自对家庭进行面试.*
Submit ISEE/SSAT Standardized Test Scores
Request School Transcripts
要求你女儿现在就读的学校直接把成绩单寄到 学校应提交2024-2025学年、2023-2024学年和2022-2023学年的成绩单. 学校记录申请表将通过在线申请清单提供.
Request Teacher Recommendations
入学需要2024-2025年英语和数学老师的推荐信. 您可以在在线申请清单中找到推荐表格的链接.
Submit ISAAGNY Applicant Essays
从ISAAGNY作文提示列表中提交三篇短文. 您将在在线申请清单中找到ISAAGNY论文提示的链接. 论文可以通过在线申请清单提交.
Submit Graded Writing Sample
提交2024-2025学年的分级写作样本(最好是英语课的写作样本). 写作样本应该包括老师的评论和/或学生的成绩. 通过在线申请清单提交分级写作样本.
Submit the ISAAGNY interests and activities form
提交列出课外活动、兴趣和/或责任的表格. 如果你没有机会参加活动, please list those you are interested in trying. 您可以在在线申请清单中找到ISAAGNY兴趣和活动表格的链接. 该表格可以通过在线申请清单提交.
Register for Our Admissions Events
这些活动是一个极好的机会,未来的家长/监护人可以通过提问和与主要教员进行对话来了解皇冠体育app, administration, students, and parents.
Applying for Financial Aid?
Please click here for more information and here to begin the process.
Still have questions? Reach out to us at any time.
Jennifer Brodsky
Director of Admissions and Enrollment Management(212) 933-6515jbrodsky@iamcovered.netLiz Cavanaugh
招生和财政援助高级副主任(212) 933-6515ecavanaugh@iamcovered.netLucia Thomas
Assistant Director of Admissions K-XI(212) 933-6515lthomas@iamcovered.netNaomi Hayashi Eldredge
Assistant Director of Admissions K-IV(212) 933-6515neldredge@iamcovered.netKathy Kim
招生及评核处助理处长K-IV(212) 933-6515kkim@iamcovered.netNathonya Chery
Coordinator of Admissions and Financial Aid(212)